
Omae No Mono Wa Ore No Mono, Ore No Mono Wa Ore No Mono.

What’s good people? I haven’t got much to say lately due to real life priorities. Well, life goes on. I am still play-testing a variety of options and tactics to see if I can bring better chances for Hieratics to compete equally in the current Meta. No doubt Maxx “C” and Tragoedia brings about a lot of strong footing for the deck right now but there are more nasty things out there that is capable of breaking a duelist’s fantasy of winning a major tournament. Yes, I am talking about cards that completely shift the flow and rhythm towards your opponent’s favour. You know, cards like Archlord Krystia, T-Kings, and Number 16: Shock Master. In some decks, those cards might not mean much to them in common circumstances but in the case of decks that rely on combo shenanigans to go far that practically slams the door shut in Game One.

Previously, one of the solutions I mentioned was to use one-off-trade techs like Smashing Ground and Soul Taker to solve those problems. Some might find it reliable, others having a sketchy opinion. To players who prefer something more sustainable, I introduce to you Creature Swap. Now this card has been around for awhile and has time and time again proved to be an out for decks that literally shuts down in the face of certain cards. Not only is Swap a tech suitable for almost any deck, it is a tech that changes the flow of the game. You could be facing a bigger beat-stick while holding a puny monster, staring down at a card which normally your deck don’t have an answer for, or you just wanna mess with your opponent, Creature Swap is the way to go. Of course, when constructing your deck you should remember to include techs that solve difficulties for you. 

                            (Buffet for the small. http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Creature_Swap)

Probably the only downside in using this card is it gives your opponent the privilege to select which monster to swap with yours. So, play it wisely and when the time is right. May it be Hieratics, Agents, or even Gadgets, Creature Swap holds a dear space in your Side Deck if you have space for it. I mean, come on guys, wouldn’t summoning and Mystic Shiny Ball and swapping it for a Krystia or T-King be an amazing troll? With decks like Hieratics, swapping an Eset Dragon for Number 16: Shock Ruler or for some other more useful stuff pretty much shows how boss you are. All and all, Creature Swap remains a situational tech compared to cards that instantly clears the board for you. The next best thing to it is probably swapping monsters for combos and all. For example, taking your opponent’s Card Trooper to mill for fodders when you’re holding Chaos monsters or similar stuff like that or for Exceed and Synchro purposely if I may. The list goes on but not this article. So, remember to play smart, fight hard, or go home a loser. Thank you for reading!

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