
Are You Thirsty, Bro? (Breaking The Curse, 3)

Today was the last day of Seed Qualifiers in Kuala Lumpur and, yes, I did return to once again bet my fifty cents on making in the Top cuts. The previous two tournaments had me beaten down. I wasn’t the type to give up easily and feeling so jacked up I modified my deck, finalized my side-deck, and treaded on dangerous odds. Yeah, I basically trained my ass off. So, let us get into the tournament report and story-telling. Before that, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me improve prior the Seed Qualifiers. The main goal remains the same, 17th of June marks the day titans take on the sole so-called God of Yugioh in Malaysia, Sam. To my fellow titans, are you thirsty bro?! No shit I’m out for blood.

WCQ Seed Tournament
Format: Single Elimination (Asia)


Game 1: As soon as I see a set one monster and end play immediately it was obvious that is a freaking Ryko. I was holding Aset, Tfeni, Shiyu and REDMD. I had my doubts on whether was it Ryko but no matter the case my final OTK formation had Gaia Dragoon, REDMD, Photon Strike Bounzer and Nephthe. He had no answers.

Game 2: I sided-in the usual Macro Cosmos and Koa’ki Meiru Drago. It soon came to Turn 4 and I have yet to draw any of my counter cards but no worries because I was able to make a field of Gaia Dragoon, Focus Force, REDMD and Aset to kill him. He had Necro Gardna in his Graveyard but it wasn’t enough to handle the storm dragons brought with them. Not point waiting as I had a Veiler in hand and Forbidden Lance set just in case he tries to drop a Judgment Dragon on me.
After the match, Edward mentioned that he drew no monsters. But, yeah, that is the reality of dueling I suppose. I had my rough days but not today. 



Game 1: He opened Future Fusion on me and got all his required win conditions into the Graveyard but did a mistake, in my opinion, for not flooding the field. If my memory served me correctly, he played Future and summoned a Card Trooper to Mill and that’s about it. I had Aset, Shiyu, Shiyu, Nephthe, MST and drew into a Hieroglyph Seal of the Gathering. I paused for a minute to consider my options. Should I go for an OTK and fail that would mean the end of Game 1. Made up my mind and went for an OTK. My end formation consists of double Gaia Dragoon, Wattaildragon and Nephthe. He had nothing to answer me.

Game 2: This one was rather easy. I think he was pissed off and nervous at the same time. He set a monster and ended his turn. So, yeah, it’s a fucking Ryko. Not that I don’t consider other options but his plays were clear to me. I had Tfeni, Nephthe, Shiyu, MST, Forbidden Lance in my hand and drew into Effect Veiler. I couldn’t go in for the kill but I needed a play that would secure my control on the field. I made a Bounzer and Synchro into Ancient Sacred Wyvern. Slapped his Ryko, negate effect and dealt direct damage with Wyvern. At this point Wyvern was over 4k ATK. Set both cards and end turn. He made a desperate Chaos play and summoned REDMD and Light Pulsar. But instead of putting them in defense he attempts to swing with REDMD, damage calculation and I Lanced it. It went downhill for him. Ancient Sacred Wyvern sealed the game next turn.


ROUND 3 (HIERATICS, Zack the Titan Teoh)

One of the thirsty gang and he is Seeded so no point playing for real. We made a split if LGQ were to win his match-up then Zack would go against him for the prizes and the other two would be playing for the Seed. Both LGQ and Zack are Seed players in this tournament. It ended up with two different Finals. LOL! 1st and 2nd for prizes, 3rd and 4th for the Seed. Awkward moment when you technically scrub but still win. The match was set and I would be playing against Yun Kang. I’ve played him a few times during the Agents format and he was a good player but no matter the odds I’m desperate and out for blood. I need to win this!


Game 1: This game was rather straight-forward as I had Aset, Shiyu, REDMD, Heavy Storm and Divine Wrath in hand. He started off with Card Trooper for his tasty Mills, set two and ended. I drew into Card Car D and immediately went for a plus. No Veilers to deny me. He Milled once again and punched me for 1900, ends. I drew into another Card Car D. Set my Solemn Judgment and plus again. He repeated the same play and ended. I now had an over-kill hand. MSTed a couple of his back-rows and attempted an Atumus play. Now came the turning point of the game, I summoned Atumus and declared effect, he tried to Veiler me and I flip up Divine Wrath. It was basically GG from there.

Game 2: I stalled him with Skill Drain and he did the same to me with Mask of Restrict. We played a couple of draw-and-pass. He blew my Skill Drain and I blew his Mask of Restrict, traded a few Veilers.  I poked him a few times with 1900 Aset Dragon. The game came alive when I banished Aset for REDMD, he activated CED and immediately chain with Mind Crush declaring REDMD. I showed him Monster Reborn. I was finally able to form a winning field with REDMD and Photon Strike Bounzer. I killed his set Sangan allowing him to search out Morphing Jar 2. Though it didn’t matter because i had Bounzer. I did attacked his Morphing Jar 2 and was going for game with Bounzer negating Morphing’s effect when he told me it wasn’t possible. Genius moment, I was confident I could do so. But what the fuck, scooped a few turns after that. MORPHING JAR 2 SO STRONG!!! Zack clarified it was possible a few moments after that. Technicality issue, let’s move on.

Game 3: Early Photon Strike Bounzer accompanied by Skill Drain, Book of Moon, Veiler in hand. It was game from there and he decided to scoop. Nothing he could do as I drew good stuffs. New deck loves me very much. It was a well-played match between both players. But I drew better. 


MY SLUMP HAS ENDED! Overall, it was a fun day and much well-played games. This is all I can say. I drew better, played better and getting your ass whooped by pros changes your YGO life immediately. What’s left is to continue getting ready for the big day. Feels good to be back in form. I’ll celebrate today and stay sharp again. Time for more pro training. Damn right! So, yeah, Top 32 for the upcoming WCQ. I’ve come to the end of my tournament report. Thank you for reading!


  1. Good job Kyde. I saw you played Divine Wrath in the main deck? I thought about using it here too with Cardcarzektor, but mainly because of the Rabbitmatchup, preventing, Veilers, Laggias, Dolkkas ...

    1. Thank you. Yeah, i tech a piece of Divine Wrath to go against hand traps during crucial moments.

  2. Yesterday weekly tourney was also a good result for me. ^^ Although I manage to go until semi-finals only, but hey I play no-meta deck bro LOL. And as you said, yesterday was also a fun day and much well-played game. But kinda disappointing for me, if I can play this well in seed tourney, I wouldn't waste more money for the form. T_T

    1. wtf fucking noob..feeling good for only managing to go to semi playing with non top player..what a crappy player

  3. Well done K'yde!
    Not too long ago I was joking that whatever stop the effect breaks the game, and you have just applied that into real games, that's a fabulous move! Keep up the good form !!!

    1. Thank you! I needed an extra leverage. Once you go Divine, you never go back. LOL!!!

  4. How come Bounzer can't negate Morphing Jar 2?

    1. It can. I've mention that it was a technical mistakes and we have no judge present so i couldn't clarify on the spot.

  5. Really a shame he mind crushed the red eyes. He should have waited it out to the end of the turn. Along the way you will surely activate reborn to find a monster to banish for red eyes and at that moment chain mindcrush. It was a Shame because I think he wanted to see your hand And confirm any traps should you set any, but it turned out you had reborn o.o

    1. Honestly, i expected Mind Crush. Due to the style of his plays and the amount of cards he has shown me, it is very similar to Japanese-based Inzektors. Deja vu. I was lucky to have guessed Mind Crush correctly and had Reborn at the same time i suppose.
