The Meta in OCG has began to take
a slow step in accepting change recently with Geargia silently making their
presence felt. I’m positive they will add variety to YGO and slightly shift
the pace of the game. With Ignition Priority gone in TCG, it is almost certain that they will begin to
take a liking to how OCG’s competitive scene are right now. For better or bad,
that is up to players to decide. No more cheap plays in DN! Though I’m sure the
number of rage quitters will continue to increase. Perhaps two different worlds
are becoming one? Hopefully, this means positive improvements and not negative
bullshit. Regarding today’s post, I would like to share a couple of cards that
could possibly be good techs in your main or side-deck in the current format.
Some are old, some are relatively new in some sense.
This card has been around for
awhile now. With Torrential Tribute being at two, a majority of players are
beginning to accept Starlight Road into their ranks of staple techs. Bad news?
Maybe. Road seeing more play does bring about a sense of hesitant when choosing
to run instant-out cards like Dark Hole. Simple math, assuming everyone in your
competitive scene mains double Torrential and a Dark Hole, which most likely
is the case, means there are a total of six destruction cards, including you,
that can trigger Starlight Road. This is where Smashing Ground comes in. Though
its not as good as Dark Hole, it does make sure you do not meet Road when
attempting to clear your opponent’s field off disturbing monsters. In match-ups
like Rabbits or Six Sams, Smashing are good enough to force a negation
leaving you one less problem to worry about. Probably a one-for-one trade off where
you actually gain a plus, virtually. Smashing Ground proves to be a
considerable choice of instant monster removal tech.
Needless to say, more back-row
hate. Knowing for a fact, top decks run more chain-able trap cards in the
current game-play. OCG-wise. Many times MST’s ability to trade off backfires
with more chain-able traps being played. Hitting cards like Raigeki Break or
PWWB when dealing with Inzektors as a general example allows them to setup
faster and plus from your move. Instead
of being a one-off-trade. Night Shot solves that issue. Being desperate enough,
your opponent might even negate it giving you information on the importance of
that particular card. Sadly, its not a Speed 2 spell card.
Probably another tech for
Inzektors or decks that requires Graveyard setup. We all know hand traps are in
trend and every deck relies on monster effects to make plays. Divine Wrath
deals with both. This is a good tech for and against Inzektors. Fucking a
Veiler up is pretty important nowadays. It could be useful in Hieros in a way,
against Maxx “C”. That’s if your opponent are capable of dealing with all your
Macro Cosmos. A good back-up plan. So yeah, why not give it a try? Also, it’s a
Speed 3 trap which your opponent probably has no other option but to Solemn
Judgment it in crucial situations. Free burn is good news. Key point being
Speed 3 and it helps perpetuate plays revolving around the Graveyard.
This is something I’ve been
thinking about a lot. Chaos Trap Hole is very much similar to Solemn Warning.
2000LP cost, Speed 3 trap. However, this card specifically deals with Light and
Dark elements. The best part is it banishes the monster instead of sending it
to the Graveyard. In Chaos Dragons and Inzektors match-up, this card helps
prevent a lot of plays from happening. Namely, the Chaos Dragons’ Pulsar REDMD loop and it works as a generic
trap to banish Hornet or Dragonfly. Those who are teching BTH will find this
card a good bonus since BTH deals with Centipede and huge monsters. It
indirectly cuts off Inzektors from their potential CotH plays ensuring at least
a couple of dead draws. Having said that, it doesn’t have Solemn Warning’s
versatility to solve a variety of problematic moves and its not something you
can slap into main-deck. Depending on your country’s Meta really. Another
side-deck option I would suggest you consider or as a single copy tech.
TROLL CARD ALERT! Cursed Seal has
pretty good function frankly speaking. ‘Sealing’ off, as it’s name suggests,
cards like MST, POD and field cards are devastating without a doubt. Again,
dead draw factor. The problem here is this card requires you to discard a spell
card as a cost immediately limiting the possibility of having it see any play. Not
much of an option in terms of creativity. Specific requirements aren’t gonna
make the cut. Compared to traps like Raigeki Break or PWWB which could play the
same role and absolutely more flexible. At least, those cards helps you setup
some sort of play. Yes, it is a strong card but drawing it late in the game
basically means you’re fucked. Not exactly but let’s be realistic. Another
virtual advantage card. If it does go off, feel free to LOL at your opponent
when they go “FUUUUUU!” Imagine negating field cards when going against decks
like Gravekeepers and Dark World. Man, I’d be damned if one did not become the
highlight of the tournament after doing so. Trust me it works when it works. I
only managed to pull it once in tournaments against a Dark World player. It is
fun to negate Duality and let your opponent draw into despair. Element of
surprise in the face.
have some fun. Lol. Back to business, Lightforce does have its own functionality.
It generates momentary advantage, its chain-able, and could potentially provide
you with a plus. For example, set and wait for your opponent to MST it then you
chain it back, it immediately becomes a temporary plus and it is a nasty game
closer if you hit the right card. Inzektor Hornet as an example. It’ll take
quite awhile until they get their card back also Lightforce removes its target
face-down meaning no Empty Space Sea Serpent recycle to bring the card back if
you did hit a Level 4 or lower monster. Priceless moment much? Again, too much
risk and a waste of space unless you’re a freaking psychic. No point gambling
with such odds. Element of surprise in the face once more.
Alright guys, it ends here. I trust you had fun reading and as usual I do hope this post is informative
enough. I might do a double post today depending on my schedule. Do check later
on if i did go ahead and do another post as mentioned. Thank you for dropping
by! Please comment and share your experience if you manage to troll with
Lightforce Sword and Cursed Seal.
For lightforce sword, try adding a necroface to mindfck people as well. A troll combo
ReplyDeleteWait for the "WTF" expression. Absolutely worth it. :)