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People  have been asking me what other decks are worth playing in an Inzektors-dominant format. This is a hard question really. Not many decks are as devastating and advantageous as Inzektors. Hieros out of the picture since its expensive and too many people are relying on Gustaph Max. Honestly, you do not need that card. Though it would be fun for it to be legal. That aside, REDU gave us Geargia and this little fuckers are actually worth your time. It gives you with a lot of plus if you know what you are doing and it can OTK pretty easily. Having said that, they do require some setup but of course you can spam in Turn 1 as well if you wish. I have been testing them for awhile and here is the build I am most comfortable with. Work is insane as usual but it did find ample amount of time to test and research on YGO. This build works with MK-II’s effect. Most of the combos the deck makes start from it.


Geargiarmor x3
Geargiaccel x3
Geargiarsenal x3
Geargiano MK-II x3
Genex Ally Birdman x2
Card Car D x2
Machina Fortress x2
Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa" x1
Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" x1

Pot of Duality x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Night Shot x2
Heavy Storm x1
Book of Moon x1
Monster Reborn x1

Torrential Tribute x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Divine Wrath x1
Raigeki Break x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Geargiganto Cross x2
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Fairy King Alverd x1
No.32: Shark Drake x1
No.39: Hope x1
C-No.39: Hope Ray x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" x2
Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" x2
Scrap Dragon x1
Black Rose Dragon x1

I added a few techs to make this deck slightly more flexible to deal with the meta-game. Some of which you might agree with or not. Allow me to do some further explanation regarding those cards that look out of place. As mention above, this deck does require some setup. Thus the following techs I chose to accompany the deck. 

This guy allows you to recycle cards like Geargiaccel, Geargiano MK-II, or cards that MK-II revived. With Birdman you can easily continue your combos through bouncing your own cards back into your hand namely Geargiaccel since it can it Special Summon itself back. It gives you access to easy Synchros and you can plan your plays according to the situation at hand. OTK, control or Toolbox. Search-able by Geargiganto Cross.

I have always liked this guy. Fortress can act as defensive measure and easy out when you deal with bigger monsters due to it’s destruction effect. It’s discard cost provides you with another form of setup measure. This card helps you OTK in some ways or beats the shit out of people.

You lose out on hand-advantage at times with the need for constant discards. Car D does what it does best, draw-whoring and giving you pluses. Being a machine, you can discard it for Machina Fortress. This card provides more options to the deck’s plays. Search-able by Geargiganto Cross.

Discarding helps this deck a lot and Divine Wrath gives you that ability with protection against hand traps. It also deals with on-field effects. Being a Speed 3 ensures the success of it going off and forces opponent’s to counter it with Solemn Judgment if they really need to.

Again, Mill. This card is flexible enough to solve and setup plays. Either you destroy a set card or a monster that is preventing you to go for the kill. 

This is the end of today’s post. I believe Dueling Days have done a very good explanation post on how to utilize each Geargia cards and pretty sure there are blogs that have done combo posts. However, if you like me to list down a couple of tricks, do leave a comment and I will do my best to reveal all the possible plays with this deck. Thank you for reading!


  1. Geargias are really good. Even though, I see their own potential the way DSummon said, keep cards advantage and xyz into a geargiganto per turn, pretty good, uh?
    Of course the funnier way to play it is GeargiaKuri, creates advantage on field, and combo like Karakuri used to do is really funny, isn't it?
    Well, I'm going to review these little fuckers on my blog sometimes.

    1. Geargiganto search plus is definitely out of this world but i wouldn't bet too much on it due to the meta-condition in Malaysia. Inzektors likes to pop stuff. Even though you may prepare the necessary means to prevent them from killing you sometimes bad luck is just bad luck. Thus why in actuality Geargias are better to function as an OTK deck. At least, in my country. And yes, these little fuckers ain't no scrubbers.

    2. That's right, I'm thinking with TCG mind, that's why I like to talk with OCG players, we can always state the difference from a meta and an other. Here we have a 3-deck meta, basically Wind-Up, blowing-up your hand as nothing, we have zenmaines post combo and shark to help starting the loop, Dino-Rabbit, with Dolkka too, and Inzektors. The difference then is that we can hope that starting first, opponent isn't playing inzektors.
      However, I see a lot of potential in these little gears. and, just one more thing, I love the last string of your comment: "And yes, these little fuckers ain't no scrubbers."

    3. Yeah, i'm aware of the Big Three in TCG. I've to agree it is fun talking to people playing in other kind of meta-situation. I do believe Inzektors will eventually come to dominate TCG as well. Since Rabbits and Wind-Ups lose out without the help of Ignition Priority. Hieratics probably wouldn't make a strong stand in TCG at the moment. Geargia, going to wait and see what it does. Thank you. LOL

    4. Yeah, probably, but I totally don't know, I do believe that HEROes could do something too. Summon Damsel, just Poly into Escuridao. XYZ no matter what, super poly into another monster, AZ provides a strong wall against Inzektors' destroying loop. Only thing they can do, if you have ONLY AZ on the field, is use hopper to attack directly, but this mean they won't destroy my AZ and I will keep advantage. Maybe they XYZ in MP2, no more hopper combo next turn (because if you used damsel, hopper on damsel, send damsel to grave and summon centipede, if you want to attack only thing to do is to not continue the loop. If you used Centipede, after you searched, you can't normal summon anything, means that opponent won't xyz and you can kill your opponent's centipede with AZ and do whatever the fuck you want).
      I'm wondering why no one is playing them, actually I play the gate build, abusing of fusion summons, normally I have 2 Shining with something like 5 HEROes at least banished, meaning 2 4100 ATK monsters.

    5. Every omni-hero fusion are promos in Malaysia. I would run Heroes if they weren't unofficial but that's not the case.

    6. Yeah, I were talking about TCG Meta, but didn't know they weren't ALL unofficial in Malaysia, pretty strange.
