
Digitalist Profile, 7

Before we go any further into today’s post, I would like to wish the best of luck to both Team MYM (Malaysia) and Team Koi (Singapore). Have a safe trip guys and enjoy your time in Hong Kong. Don’t forget to bring back some Hong Kong dim sum! Also, a shout out to High Level Gaming! Most of you have probably visited the blog and if you have not do check them out. The  blog features authors Johann Loke (awesomehazelnuts) and Wesley Seek (lambyseries). Last but not least, Sazabi. A blog run by respectable players so expect quality posts in there. With all the greetings done, let’s dive into the deck.



Card Car D x3
Hieratic Dragon of Su x3
Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit x3
Hieratic Dragon of Eset x3
Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord x3
Maxx "C" x2
Tragoedia x2
Effect Veiler x2
Gorz, Emissary of Darkness x1
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x1
Wattaildragon x1
Emerald Dragon x1
Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Forbidden Lance x2
Pot of Duality x2
Hieratic Seal of Convocation x2
Monster Reborn x1
Heavy Storm x1

Reckless Greed x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2


Black Rose Dragon x1
Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis x1
Number 61: Volcasaurus x1
Number 25: Force Focus x1
Inzektor Exa-Beetle x1
Photon Streak Bouncer x1
Swordbreaker x1
Sacred Ptolemys Messier 7 x2
Hieroglyph Dragon King-Atumus x2
Gaia Dragoon, the Thunder Charger x2
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max x1

I will not go into the combos as this deck still functions like standard Hieratics but slightly faster in terms of picking up combo pieces. Basically, this variant of Hieratics reverts back to the originality of Hieratics in the beginning with Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord as a replacement for Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. It’s a One-Turn-Kill deck that excels in the 3-Cards-OTK strategy capitalizing on the might of Gustav Max and Sacred Ptolemys Messier 7. When you don’t go for the kill you farm and vice versa. There are some choices of cards here that might confuse you so I’ll do a bit of explanation.


Maxx “C” needs no explanation and introduction as we all know how conventionally well it works against Wind-Ups and Atlantean Mermails. Tragoedia and Gorz are commonly seen in Hieratics and they serve as your defensive measure. Dropping an early Tragoedia usually kicks the deck’s standard combo into gear if you have ample amount of back-row hate while Gorz can also serve as an equalizer when you don’t open with the best of hand cards (Hieratics are famous for that.) 

I still run Effect Veilers due to the diversity of the Meta in my country. Other than that, hand traps are arguably a better form of defense for Hieratics. That is my opinion of course. With Veilers around you have an increase of advantage against random matches (Inzektors being one of those randies.) A side note, these hand traps works well with M7 as it sometimes gives you bullshit advantage against your opponents depending on which does what.  


A stellar card against ever-growing threats like Thunder King Rai-Oh, Archlord Krystia, Inverz Roach, Verz Ophion, and Number 16: Shock Ruler (just to name a few.) Compulsory puts in work whenever you want it to and it does a wonderful job avoiding back-row hate. Ideally, it is something that serves to nullify any form of harmful scenarios but it also plays a big role in saving your much needed combo pieces. It’s a good card and that’s all to it.


First of all, this is an experiment I am trying out. Why Reckless Greed? To start off, it is in general a plus one when blown by cards like Mystical Space Typhoon though it comes with a huge drawback of skipping your next two Draw Phases. There are times when you hold every combo piece you need and lack general cards that allows you to close the game while sometimes you find yourself in a situation where one more monster or spell can help you regain footing whichever the situation is Reckless Greed MIGHT give you a leap of fate. No doubt it is a big gamble but playing this card at the right time can be pretty fucking amazing. 

It requires a lot of training to know when to flip it up and in depth knowledge of your deck’s ratio is definitely a must have when running this card. This card paired with Card Car D could provide it’s user with a dream opening (if only he or she is holding the proper hand cards to play on.) Of course, this idea functions under the conception of the-more-you-have-the-better-your-chances but what supports it is LUCK which isn’t exactly a solid foundation. Remember you only need three cards to end the game. Feel free to try it out and I must say it is fun to hold more nine cards to your opponent’s five (or something likewise.) If you do not fancy Reckless Greed, switch it with Call of the Haunted or Night Shot. Both options does magic in Hieratics! Not a bad alternative if you must.

Alright, we have come to yet another end and hopefully readers enjoyed this evening’s update. Digital Mortal will be back again with more interesting posts. Do leave a comment if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer them. Let me know what’s in your mind. All and all, thank you for dropping by and remember to play smart, fight hard, or go home a loser!


  1. This quite similar to my friend's decklist except the 3rd Exodius.
    He also runs a single copy of Koa'ki Meiru Drago in his main. He usually summons it from Atum so he can push for game even if there's Gorz, Trago and/or Battle Fader in his opponent's hand.

    1. I think there isn't much difference between Hieratic Main-Decks and teching Drago is a pretty good move right now since practically everyone is running Tragoedias. Thanks for sharing!
