


Double posting day! What an emo looking guy. A short moment ago an anonymous commented on a card that looks promising against the Prophecy match-up. A wise person once said, “Do not underestimate others’ opinions.” So here I am sharing and learning at the same time. Obviously, I have not tested this seem-to-be-legit-card thus why I would like to hear from others who have been experimenting with the subject named Bubble Crash. To be honest, I am very curious to how effective Bubble Crash can be against magic mania. To those who have been playing around with this card, do share your opinions as to the effectiveness of this dubious proposition. Perhaps the dreaded isn’t all that dreadful as it looks. I look forward to hearing (reading) from you. Thank you for cooperating!


  1. Even http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Heavy_Slump is better ...

    Slump could get rid of advantage compared to you.

    What can you mostly get? -2 or -3? And it doesnt get rid of their advantage.They can chain stuff and send the played being on field cards to the grave ...

    I dont like the card, the opp can freely choose and you minus 1 yourself just so your opp has either more cards in the hand or the same as you.

  2. Speaking from a Magical player's perspective, if they open judgment and +XXX, this card isn't really going to help all that much, assuming they open with the tower as well. (1 tower on field + 1 junon & 3 books in hand, and double draw the following turn) If you destroy the tower you might be looking at a Junon summoned straight from deck, cause you made the guy send some more of his spellbooks to the grave.

    If you can't win within the following turn it's probably just a -1 to yourself.

  3. Did you guys really need a silver bullet that bad? I have one. Its a card you have to protect but its an almost certain end. Its curse of darkness. Play a spell and you take 1k damage
    The effect stacks ad well.

    1. Actually we don't but it wouldn't be bad to have an idea of what other cards are effective against Prophecy.

  4. As* but yeah it forces out early priestess drops because she's easier to put onto the field at times and its a diversion target for fate

    1. I'm assuming the AS you're talking about is Anti-Spell Fragrance. Yeah, that's one hell of a card against Prophecy.
